Monday, April 25, 2011

Blue Redbox box – Brilliance or Bad Marketing

Walmart now has blue Redbox boxes – seriously. So the question is of course WHY? What is the reason that they switched away from the basic red box?

blue redbox walmart blockbuster ddvd rental

They are mostly located at Wal-mart Supercenters, but the boxes are not red like everywhere else, they are blue.

My first guess was maybe that Redbox was making some crazy decisions about focusing more on Blueray and the blue was a wordplay off of that. But after investigating, it appears that Wal-mart had it changed to blend in better and match their corporate colors.

There are other rumors about the color change, like other companies actually taking Redbox headers and applying them to their own boxes. Or stories like Redbox thinking Blockbusters boxes are nicer looking so they are testing a change in colors.

If Redbox does in deed change all of their colors to anything other than red, it would be a crazy move and would be insane. One of the things they have achieved is that people are forwarding and texting pictures of the blue redboxes. That has to be valuable marketing and exposure.

Have you seen any blue redboxes anywhere other than walmart?


It is a bad marketing move to disaccosiate one of the primary branding methods that the whole company is revolved around? After all it tells people what to look for, and they have created something that now everyone in the country knows and most people have used and enjoyed. The cost saving came at a super time. People were tired of paying the high prices at Blockbuster and the other brick and mortar video rental outlets and redbox cashed in.

Can Redbox keep up with Cloud computing no matter what color their boxes are? What happens when Amazon offers movies to download or Netflix has movies online? What if these companies can develop a way to actually distribute new releases streaming or download and people don’t have a need to go get physical media?

Hopefully Redbox will keep ahead of the game and figure out how the market wants to use media and it wouldn’t surprise me if they come out with memberships and online access.



Sunday, April 17, 2011

Understanding Statistics – presidential budget cut

Understanding statistics can be a tricky thing. Also, when we hear big numbers we have a hard time connecting or visualizing what they really mean. This clip takes the mystery out of the big numbers and uses a method that we can all understand to explain how statistics can be used in politics to get us to believe action is being taken, when there virtually is none.


As soon as we understand the basic math and the amount of zeros that are being worked with, it makes it incredibly clear that we did not really understand what was being said. We heard big numbers and even bigger numbers, but they really didn’t sink in until now. Now there’s some outrage. Not only at the politicians who are doing this, but even at ourselves for not really understanding what is happening.



Friday, April 15, 2011

Extremely Creative Home Based Business Ideas

Here are some really crazy home based business ideas from an intense brain storming session.  We came up with 133 non-traditional ideas that you can take and use to make some money from home. Some of them are really small and designed to give just a little bit of a an income boost. Others are designed so that you could quit your day job and focus on something from home. Even if you are unemployed, then these home based business ideas are right up your alley.


1000 Home Business Ideas – OK, not really 1,000 – just 133

  1. Homemade tea
  2. Grow make soap
  3. Crème soda
  4. Breed dogs
  5. Write book
  6. Editor
  7. Book unusual recipes
  8. Home cooking
  9. Mold figurines
  10. Crafts
  11. Necklaces
  12. Playground equipment
  13. Stained glass
  14. Recycle glass into wind chimes
  15. Pottery
  16. Tutoring
  17. Lawn and landscaping
  18. Babysitting
  19. Knit
  20. Sew
  21. Mend
  22. Ironing
  23. Organic home remedies
  24. House cleaning
  25. Laundry
  26. Pet sitting
  27. Animal grooming
  28. CD music lessons
  29. Designated driver
  30. Doll houses and furniture
  31. Simply roses
  32. Baskets
  33. Cookie mix in a jar
  34. Quilts
  35. Weave reeds
  36. Make ink
  37. Cut braid style hair
  38. Dried herbs
  39. Organic make up
  40. Goat cheese
  41. House painting
  42. Kangaroo court
  43. Only child experience a family
  44. Foster care
  45. Respite care
  46. Hippo therapy
  47. Bees
  48. Gluten free bakery
  49. Companion service
  50. Greeting cards
  51. Roasting coffee
  52. Lavender water
  53. Micro heating bags
  54. Truck produce to Midwest
  55. Wild rice to SC
  56. Candy
  57. Candles
  58. Sheep
  59. Yarn
  60. Homeless care packages
  61. Chickens eggs
  62. Compost
  63. Gray water conversion
  64. Kid seminars
  65. Art contest
  66. Raffle
  67. Decorating
  68. Family game night
  69. Activity center
  70. Calligraphy
  71. Photography
  72. Xmas cookies
  73. Ice cream social
  74. Corner bio diesel
  75. Eco pimp
  76. Car washes
  77. Dumpster diving salvage
  78. Whoopee cushions
  79. Scrap booking parties
  80. Sell this list
  81. Demo DVDs
  82. Family DJ
  83. Mascots
  84. Clown
  85. Mystery shopper
  86. Mystery sleeper
  87. Grocery delivery
  88. My girl Thursday
  89. Research
  90. Virtual assistant
  91. Movie critic
  92. Music critic
  93. Teach kid dancing
  94. Barn dance
  95. Home made popcorn
  96. Crop sharing gardens
  97. PI
  98. Scan pics to digi album
  99. Renaissance clothing
  100. Movie extra
  101. Tea parties
  102. Listening café
  103. Framing mounting
  104. Homemade tofu
  105. House blessing
  106. Holiday decorating
  107. Hats
  108. Bird houses
  109. X country camper delivery
  110. Spices
  111. Farmers markets
  112. Chimney sweep
  113. Vending machines
  114. Simple living magazine
  115. Acting troop
  116. Puppet shows
  117. Christian gypsy tour
  118. KOA work
  119. Migrant work
  120. Revive Mystery Space Theater 3000
  121. Cell phone play by play
  122. Mosquito counting
  123. Swim lessons
  124. Day camp
  125. Collect recycling
  126. Edible games (scrabble)
  127. Singing telegrams
  128. Balloons
  129. Bean bag chairs
  130. Make calendars
  131. Web designs
  132. Yard vases
  133. Foreign exchange student

You want to add some more… Please!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Small Business Marketing In a Small Community

Here are some quick helpful hints provided by Starmaker Marketing that will help you market better when you are in a small community.

1. Present your self as an expert

You can write a newspaper column, publish a newsletter and offer community classes that will help portray you as an expert. Being an expert in your particular field will help you offer great advice to your clients.

2. Consistent Marketing & Presence

In a small town, rumors fly and when you cancel an ad in a newspaper or flier, people notice and when you make a change. keep your advertising very consistent and don’t make too many rapid changes. If you start investing in a media, make sure you can maintain it.

3. Participation in Community Events

Participate in all kinds of community events. Small communities often have parades, fairs and many other community activities that every business should participate and get involved in.

4. High Value on established Name & reputation

Even more so than in a big city, your name and reputation is your life blood. In a big city, there are almost always new prospects you can reach, so when you don’t maintain your name and reputation, it is simpler to stay in business. In a small community it doesn’t work that way. The prospects are

5. Planned Word of Mouth

Everywhere you are doing marketing, you need positive word of mouth. It is not as random as it may appear. Some people feel that word of mouth is just what happens when a customer talks about the great experiences they have had. But really you need to give them talking points so they have something beneficial to talk about. Consult your marketing firm about ways you can contribute and instigate the word of mouth for your business.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Commission Hijack Review – Top Clickbank programs

Commission Hijack is currently one of the most popular Clickbank programs available. People are promoting it, buying it and using it and it’s the hot ticket right now.  It is being promoted as a low risk, low work opportunity that is both simple to use and simple to earn money from. No articles to write, no facebook Ads to promote or fanpages to make and manage, no complicated SEO, no google adwords and no ppc, ppv or cpa. Anything one can do to avoid bowing to the google empire, it a good thing. If you can find a system that does not include using all of their options and instead making a much more streamlined approach you’re ahead of the game.


Click Here!

Check out these income shots:image




And anytime you can show a vague chart that doesn’t really mean anything, but looks like people are making money and send a more subtle.

Online Business Opportunity Marketing Programs Reviewed

Here are some of the products reviewed: Do your research before investing in any online business, and find the one that is best fit for you and makes the most sense based on your needs.

Product Name Type of Business Price
1. “BASW” Buying And Selling Websites Gold Membership $297
2. Kevin Trudeau Home Based Business Site Discounted to $347
3. Simple Sites Big Profits MLMWEAPONS $797 or special financing options
4. Sky High Auctions Making Money from Ebay Sales Reduced to $267


1. Buying & Selling Websites “BASW” from


Buying & Selling Websites has 3 different membership programs that they mention, however then the actual promoted membership level is the gold membership which is priced at $297.

They have letters of recommendation from all over the world. It’s hard to know if letters like that are legitimate or not, although these seem to hit the mark.


The program will teach you how to builds sites, which products to promote and sell as well as many other tips about the process of starting an online business. Sharing information on Product Sites, Affiliate Sites, and Membership/Content Sites.  There’s some good free advice about selling your websites on the promotional pages. Don’t forget to take advantage of the information that is being offered.


2. Kevin Trudeau’s Home Bases Business

Learn how to master the art of influence, build your business beyond belief, avoid the top 3 mistakes in Network Marketing and quit your day job in a year!

kevin trudeau home based business

the best of kevin trudeau


3. simple sites big profits

Now Paying $150 Plus $50 Per Month Commissions! Killer Conversion Rate And Tons Of Affiliate Tools. Free Videos Reveal The Secrets! Your Students Will Learn how you can make simple little websites for big profits. Check out the methods offered by “Simple Sites Big Profits” and see if you can use this format to start earning a generous amount of commissions each and every month on their program.

simple sites big profits

4. Sky High Auctions

From Sky High Auctions, you can learn as the teach you from 15 Ebay PowerSellers How They Raked In Over $11,726,200 Last Year Alone And How You Can Explode Your Business Following Their Every Move Using Our Step By Step Course.  AND for those of you who already own an online business, you'll discover how to use the power of eBay to rake in piles of hot leads to your websites! If you are already selling on ebay you’ll learn lots more tips and tricks. If you want to get started and do it right, sky high auctions can help you avoid pitfalls that others normally make.

sky high auctions