Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mike Morawski - Multifamily Underwriting 101

Key Takeaways

Multifamily investing requires a specialized vocabulary to navigate the industry effectively.

A rent roll is a critical document for understanding a property's income potential. Key items include tenant information, unit numbers, market rate rent, collected rent, lease terms, and unit mix.

Understanding operating expenses is crucial for profitability. Key categories include payroll, utilities, repairs and maintenance, insurance, taxes, and property management fees.

Understanding financial metrics like NOI, DSCR, and investor returns (ROI, IRR, cash-on-cash preferred returns) is essential for evaluating a property's performance.

Key terms like general partner (GP), limited partner (LP), share classes, waterfall returns, and sponsor fees are crucial for understanding deal structuring.

Thorough due diligence and underwriting are essential for evaluating a property's potential and risks.

Episode Timeline

[00:00:00] Mike introduces underwriting as a foundational tool for multifamily investing decisions.

[00:04:00] Analyzing income and expenses is crucial for assessing profitability and NOI.

[00:08:00] Capital expenditures significantly impact property value and investor returns.

[00:12:00] Evaluating rent growth and market conditions helps predict future income.

[00:16:00] LTV and LTC ratios determine debt capacity and equity safety.

[00:21:00] Interest rates, amortization, and DSCR are vital for securing financing.

[00:23:00] The GP team’s structure and roles ensure effective collaboration and management.

[00:28:00] Various sponsor fees compensate the GP team for their contributions.




Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Mike Morawski - The Top 3 Fundamentals for Multifamily Investing Success

Key Takeaways

Combine short-term cash flow with long-term generational wealth using tools like IRAs and 1031 exchanges.

Accurate underwriting with reliable data, like CoStar, builds investor confidence.

Regular networking and relationship-building are essential for expanding your investor base.

Use e-books and checklists as lead magnets to attract and nurture potential investors.

A well-maintained contact database is vital for long-term success and investor engagement.

Writing books and speaking at events boost credibility and attract investors.

Episode Timeline

[00:01:00] Mike's Solo Podcast Initiative.

[00:02:00] The three essential fundamentals for success in multifamily investing.

[00:08:00] Understanding underwriting processes and financial metrics.

[00:13:00] Introducing CoStar as a sponsor, describing its value in market data.

[00:15:00] Strategies for raising capital include effective networking.

[00:16:00] Mike compares raising capital to fishing and farming.

[00:18:00] The importance of nurturing leads through email marketing

[00:19:00] Database management and staying in touch with clients & investors.

[00:22:00] Closing remarks about balancing all three strategies




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