Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Matt Teifke - Multi-Family Ethics ,scaling your business, coaching and how Multi-Family Is the only industry people continually want to keep learning in

Standout Quotes:

"I feel like I have something to share with others and it just drives me to keep pushing forward” - [Matt]

"When I see people that have every excuse in the book and they continuously build and grow and create assets and net worth, it fires me up that it truly is possible" - [Matt]

"I really believe it takes time and consistency, but anybody can get involved in real estate and that can change your life" - [Matt]

“I don't think people ever really regret making the right decision in the long run” – [Matt]

“Be the one that people want you in their foxhole and they know that you're going to have their back and get around as many of those people as you can” – [Matt]

“My whole thing was I want to learn as much as I can about every aspect of real estate” – [Matt]

Key Takeaways:

  • Matt describes himself in one word as "Driven".
  • I feel very blessed that I was introduced to real estate in an early age.
  • If you want to buy a house a year, you can, and it might not be the first year. It might be the second or third or fourth, but you don't go out to have drinks.
  • If I'm going to take time out of my day to go sit down with someone, I'm hoping that they're truly going to go take that advice and implement it.
  • "If you want money, ask for advice. If you want advice, ask for money".
  • I've been in the real estate business for 12 years. I started when I was 17.
  • I found mentors. I sat down every day for an hour with anyone I could, learn real estate.
  • The thing that I struggle with is I spent a lot of time networking.
  • I'm always working deals. I want to give my time to people, I really do.
  • It's super frustrating for me, when I want to go help someone and I don't find out they're serious.
  • I think it's implementing a structure that I can put in place to still give people what I want to give them.
  • I'm pretty big recently on just scheduling everything. Like I schedule time with the boys, it's on my calendar, two or three times a week, there's a two hour window.
  • It's that's big money in front of your eyes, but you got to do the right thing.
  • I don't need to own a hundred percent of anything. I just want to have the value that I bring, get taken care of.

Episode Timeline:

[02:50] I'm really excited about our guest Matt.

[04:29] Matt describes himself as Driven.

[06:11] Matt shares his backstory.

[07:34] Matt talks about his mom and her passion for Real Estate.

[10:42] Talk about who you are and how you behave?

[11:37] How much money do you put into your education on an annual basis?

[16:07] What's the biggest stumbling block that you find right now in your life that's holding you back from moving to the next level?

[20:09] Talk to me a little bit about acting ethically and how in your business, how in your life, those two things show up?

[22:24] How do you make high stakes decisions?

[23:26] What are some secrets that you use pretty often that you think other people could benefit from?

[25:20] Tell me though your favorite tourist attraction?

[25:55] Favorite Restaurant?

[26:09] Favorite book you’ve ever read?

"Trammell Crow, Master developer" by Robert Sobel.

[27:27] How to contact Matt

Phone: (512 914 806)

Email: mattteifke@gmail.com

YouTube: Teifke Real Estate

Facebook: Teifke Real Estate

Check out this episode!

Dan Kryzanowski - Deal Equity Structure and Capital Markets


[02:31] Today, I'm excited about my guest, Dan Kryzanowski.

[03:57] In one word, can you describe for us what best describes you personally and professionally?

[05:50] Dan shares his backstory.

[09:21] Do you think that you wind up resting on your laurels, that people get comfortable and they feel like we've got this?

[11:09] So in your own personal career, what's been a real defining moment for you to take you to where you're at today?

[14:50] Do you think we're going to stay like this? Or do you see a looming effect that's going to happen here in the market?

[19:57] Dan discusses about the stock market and shares a personal short story that relates to it.

[25:49] Let's talk about raising money, right? So when you raise money and you're in this dynamics right now, what do you say to investors?

[28:53] When you're raising private equity, how do you go about doing that?

[30:29] Do you ever see yourself or do you ever see those types of deals get into a place where people go, man, this is too good to be true?

[31:48] What advice would you give an investor in the multifamily space today?

[33:58] Favorite tourist attraction?

[35:35] Best book ever read; "Skin In The Game" by Taleb.

[38:29] How to contact Dan, search for Dan Kryzanowski on LinkedIn.

Check out this episode!

Brent Cassity - Tenacity in Troubling Times

Key Takeaways

  • What makes you tenacious is you have to have something deep within you that you're always looking ahead and knowing why you're getting up.
  • A victim balls up in a fetal position, points fingers at everybody, and it takes all your strength away.
  • I think when someone goes to prison, the whole family goes to prison and everybody has to deal with it on their own terms and they have to lean on each other to deal with that.
  • I was just so incredibly lucky at 15 years old to understand that this 13-year-old girl at that time was going to be such an incredible mother, wife to go through because we were living a very good life.
  • Anything that you're going to go do in life that's out of your comfort zone, you're going to have to walk through your fears.
  • The only thing that walks you through your scary points or your nervous, or your fear, your nightmare, is having a passion.
  • Keep being yourself regardless of the circumstances, otherwise you'll lose what makes you, you.
  • I always say to people when I'm talking to other people is that nothing is as bad as your mind makes it out to be. Not even prison.


[00:45] Intro to Podcast

[03:08] Intro to episode guest

[04:28] One word that describes Brent personally and professionally.

[06:44] Talk about your background a little bit.

[27:22] What was the exact charges or allegations against you that caused you go to go to prison?

[38:19] Brent talks about his Redemption piece.

[41:32] Did you write your book in prison or out?

[52:02] How many books you read while you were in prison?

[53:03] Best book you read?


Website: brentcassity.com

Book: Nightmare Success


Check out this episode!

Doug Peacock - Infinite Banking & Raising Capital

Key Takeaways

  • You have got to be intentional about your life if you're going to win.
  • If you don't understand real estate, please do not invest in real estate.
  • I don't care that it's athletics, it could be something else. But you've got to have something else that's going to require time outside the school day.
  • I want my infinite banking based on an asset that is guaranteed to grow.
  • Please, I don't care if you use me or not, I don't care. But get a good coach.
  • Do what you love. If you don't love real estate, find something else.


[00:43] Intro to Podcast

[01:32] Intro to episode guest

[04:07] One word that describes Doug personally and professionally.

[07:09] Talk about your background a little bit.

[14:13] Doug explains Infinite Banking.

[20:45] What happens if you do a real estate deal and the real estate deal goes bad and you lose the money?

[25:42] Doug talks about capital gains and the application of taxes on that.

[33:50] What's one piece of advice you want to give the listeners?

[35:14] Best book you’ve ever read?

[35:45] Favorite tourist attraction.


Website: peacockwealthgroup.com

Check out this episode!

Paul Moore - Multi Family to Self Storage

Join your host Mike Morawski as he interviews Paul Moore. Mike and Paul discuss a slightly different approach from the usual Multi-Family investing and discuss investing in Self-Storage. Paul Moore's insight into this topic is fabulous and you're guaranteed to learn something new. They also discuss what's coming in the real estate investing world as we all wonder how the global pandemic will impact investors everywhere. 

Check out this episode!

Alina Trigub - How I Got Started in Multifamily Investing

Check out this episode!

Chris Hake - How to Creatively Fund Your Multifamily Acquisition

Join Mike as he interviews guest Chris Hake from the Madison WI REIA. They discuss many facets of getting started in looking for multi-family real estate properties. As you look to grow your portfolio or are just starting out, these tips and hints are valuable advice from seasoned pros.

Check out this episode!