Sunday, March 27, 2011

Marketing & Advertising Dictionary


a∙gen∙cy (ā’jən sē) n., pl. –cies [ < L. agere, to act] 1. action; power 2. means 3. a firm, etc. empowered to act for another 4. an administrative government division

5. a company that you can use to generate creativity, media buying services and advertising concepts/campaigns

a∙ware’ness (ə wer’ nəs) n. [ < OE. wær, cautious ] 1. to know; to realize; to be conscious

2. create public or targeted visibility and name recognition

3. to use a variety of to exposure options to make prospects aware of your company’s existence as well as your product line or service offerings


ben∙e∙fits (ben’ə fits) n. [ < L. bene, well ] 1. anything contributing to improvement; advantage 2. payments made by an insurance company, public agency, etc., as during sickness or retirement or for death

brand∙ing (brand’iņ) v. [OE. < biernan, to burn] 1. to burn or partially burn with a stick 2. to burn a mark on the skin, formerly used to punish criminals, now used on cattle to show ownership 3. to put a stigma on 4. a) to identify with a mark or label b) the making of a commodity c) to make a special kind

budg∙et (buj’it) n. [ < L. bulga, bag] 1. a stock of items 2. a plan adjusting expenses to income 3. estimated cost of living, operating, etc. –vt. 1. to put on a budget 2. to plan [budget your time]

buzz (buz) vi. [echoic] 1. to hum like a bee 2. to gossip 3. to be filled with noisy activity or talk ---vt. To fly an airplane low over –n. a sound like a bee’s hum


call∙to∙ac∙tion (kôl tə ak’ shən) v. [ < ON. kalla] 1. to say in a loud tone to do something; shout to do something 2. to summon to do something; to invite to do something 3. to awaken in order to get something done 4. to give orders to get something done

com∙merce (käm’ərs) n. [ < L. com-, together + merx, merchandise] trade on a large scale, as between countries

com∙mu’ni∙ca’tion (kə myōō’nə kā’ shən) n. [ < L. communicare] 1. a transmitting 2. a) a giving or exchanging of information, messages, etc. b) a message, letter, etc. 3. [often pl.] a means of communicating

com∙pe∙ti∙tion (käm’ pə tish’ən) n. 1. a competing; rivalry, esp. in business 2. a contest; match

co-op (kō’äp) n. a cooperative

cross∙col∙lat∙er∙al∙u’ni∙form’i∙ty (krôs kə lat’ ər əl yōō’ nə fôr’mə tē)


deal (dēl) vt. [ OE. dælen] 1. to portion out or distribute 2. to give; administer (a blow, etc.) --vi. 1. to have to do (with) 2. to conduct oneself 3. to do business; trade --n. 1. the distributing of playing cards 2. a business transaction 3. an agreement, esp. when secret 4. treatment

den∙o∙graph∙ic (den ō graf’ik) --need to insert definition

de∙sire (di zīr’) vt. [ < L. desiderare] 1. to long for; crave 2. to ask for --vi. to have a desire --n. 1. a wish; craving 2. sexual appetite 3. a request 4. thing desired

di∙ver∙si∙fy (də vur’ sə fī’) vt. to make diverse; vary


e∙co∙nom∙ic (ē’ kə näm’ik) adj. 1. of the management of income, expenditures, etc. 2. of economics 3. of the satisfaction of the material needs of people

el’e∙va’tor∙speech (el’ə vāt’er spēch) n. need to insert definition

en∙ter∙prise (en’tər prīz’) n. [ ult. < L. inter, in + prehendere, take ] 1. an undertaking, esp. a big, bold, or difficult one 2. energy and initiative

en∙tre∙prise∙mar∙ket∙ing (en’trə prīz’ mär’kit iņ) Starmaker defines entreprise as an entrepreneurial business endeavor with a commitment to attaining success. This commitment s evidenced by a forward-thinking resolution to capitalize on all available opportunities and resources for the betterment of the company

ex∙it∙strat∙e∙gy (eg’zit strat’ə jē) n. need to insert definition

ex∙po∙sure (ik spō’zhər) n. 1. an exposing or being exposed 2. facing position of a house, etc. 3. frequent appearance before the public 4. the time during which photographic film is exposed 5. a section of film for one picture


fea∙tures (fē’chərz) n. [ < L. facere, make] 1. (a) facial forms or appearances (b) any of the parts of the face 2. distinct or outstanding parts or qualities of something 3. special attractions, sale items, newspaper articles, etc. 4. full-length motion pictures

fo∙cus (fō’kəs) n. [ L., hearth] 1. the point where rays of light, heat, etc. come together; specif., the point where rays of reflected or refracted light meet 2. an adjustment of length to make a clear image 3. any center of activity, attention, etc.

fol∙low-up (fäl’ō up) n. a letter, visit, etc. that follows as a review or addition

fre∙quen∙cy (frē’kwən sē) n. 1. frequent occurrence 2. the number of times any event recurs in a given period 3. Physics the number of oscillations or cycles per unit of time


ge∙ner∙ic (jə ner’ik) adj. [ < L. genus, race, kind ] 1. of a whole class, kind, or group; inclusive 2. that is not a trademark 3. of or characteristic of a genus –n. a product without a brand name

ge∙o∙graph∙ic (jē ō graf’ik) adj. [ < Gr. gē, earth + graphein, write] 1. describing the earth’s surface, continents, climates, plants, animals, resources, etc. 2. describing the physical features of a region

goals (gōlz) n. [ ME. Gol, boundary] 1. the places at which a race, trip, etc. is ended 2. an end that one strives to attain 3. in some games (a) the place over or into which the ball or puck must go to score (b) the score made


heart∙at∙tack∙mar∙ket∙ing (hart ə tak’ mär’kit iņ)

hon’es∙ty (än’əst ē) n. [ < L. honor, honor] 1. truthfulness; trustworthiness 2. a) sincerity or genuiness b) gained by fair means 3. frankness and openness

hook (hơok) n. [OE. hoc] 1. a bent piece of metal, etc. used to catch, hold, or pull something 2. a fishhook 3. something shaped like a hook 4. a strike, blow, etc. in which a curving motion is involved --vt. 1. to catch, fasten, throw, hit, etc. with a hook 2. to be fastened or caught with a hook

hu∙mor (hyōō’mər) n. [ < L. humor, fluid: after former belief in four body fluids (humors) held responsible for one’s disposition] 1. mood; state of mind 2. whim; caprice 3. a comical quality 4. a) the ability to appreciate or express what is funny, amusing, etc. b) the expression of this –vt. to comply with the mood or whim of; indulge

hype (hīp) n. [slang] 1. same as HYPODERMIC 2. a drug addict 3. deception, esp. exaggerated promotion --vt. 1. to stimulate, excite, etc. as by a drug injection 2. to promote in a sensational way


i∙con (ī’kän) n. [ < Gr. eikōn, image] 1. an image; figure 2. Orthodox Eastern Ch. a sacred image or picture of Jesus, Mary, etc.

im∙age (im’ij) n. [ < L. imago] 1. a representation of a person or thing; esp., a statue 2. the visual impression of something in a lens, mirror, etc. 3. a copy; likeness 4. a) a mental picture; idea b) the concpt of a person, product, etc. held by the general public 5. a metaphor or simile

im’ple-men∙ta’tion∙∙cal∙en∙dar (im’plə mən tā shən kal’ən dər)

im∙pres∙sions (im presh’ənz) n. 1. an impressing 2. a) a mark, imprint, etc. b) an effect producedon the mind 3. a vague notion 4. an amusing impersonation; mimicking

in∙teg∙ri∙ty (in teg’rə tē) n. [ L., whole] 1. completeness; wholeness 2. unimpaired condition; soundness 3. honesty, sincerity, etc.


jin∙gle (jin’g’l) vi. [echoic] to make light, ringing sounds, as small bells --vt. to cause to jingle --n. 1. a jingling sound 2. a catchy verse or song with easy rhythm, simple rhymes, etc.

joint∙ven∙ture (joint ven’chər) n. a risky undertaking, as in business, that is shared with someone


k.i.s.s. (kēp it sim’p’l stōō’pid)


lev’er∙age∙con∙nec∙tion (lev’ər ij kə nek’shən)

line∙ex∙ten’sion (līn ik sten’shən)

log∙o∙rec∙og∙ni∙tion (lō’gō rek’əg nish’ən)

loy’al∙ty (loi’əl tē) n. quality of being faithful to one’s country, friends, ideals, etc.


mar∙a∙thon∙mar∙ket∙ing (mar’ə than mär’kit iņ)

mar∙ket∙ing∙plan (mär’kit iņ’ plan)

(M.Q.) mar∙ket∙ing∙quo∙tient (mär’kit iņ’ kwō’shənt)

(M.Q.I.D) per’son∙al∙mar∙ket∙ing∙quo∙tient (pur’s’n əl mär’kit iņ’ kwō’shənt) n. creating an unique brand that is YOU!!

me∙di∙a (mē’dē ə) n. alt. Pl. of MEDIUM --any means, agency, etc.; specif., a means of communication that reaches the general public

me∙di∙a∙bet (mē’dē ə bet)

mis∙sion∙state’ment (mish’ən stāt’ mənt)


name∙rec∙og∙ni∙tion (nām rek’əg nish’ən) n. [OE. nama] 1. a name that is recognized or being recognized 2. a name that is used to identify a person or thing as having been known to one


op’er∙a’tions (äp’ə rā shənz) [ < L. operari, to work] n. 1. the act or method of operating 2. a being in action or at work 3. any of a series of procedures in some work or plan, as in industry, warfare, etc. 4. any surgical procedure to remedy a physical ailment

op∙por∙tu∙ni∙ties (äp’ ər tōō’nə tēz) [ < L. opportunus, lit., before the port] n. 1. a combination of circumstances favorable for the purpose 2. a good chance


plan (plan) n. [Fr., plan, foundation] 1. a diagram showing the arrangement of a structure, piece of ground, etc. 2. a scheme for making, doing or arranging something 3. any outline or sketch

po∙si∙tion∙ing (pə zish’ən iņ) v. [ < L. ponere, to place] 1. to place or arrange a person or thing 2. to have an attitude or opinion 3. to place or locate 4. to put in the usual or proper place 5. to rank

pro∙mo’tion∙al (prə mō’ shən’l) adj. [ < L. pro-, forward + movere, to move] 1. something used to raise to a higher rank or position 2. something used to further the growth, establishment, sales, etc. of

pros∙pects (präs’pekts) n. [ < L. pro-, forward + specere, look] 1. broad views; scenes 2. viewpoints; outlooks 3. anticipation 4. a) something expected b) apparent chance for success 5. likely customers, candidates, etc.

psy∙cho∙graph∙ic (sī’kō graf’ik)

(PR) pub∙lic∙re∙la’tions (pub’lik ri lā’ shənz) relations of an organization, etc. with the general public as through publicity


qual∙i∙ty∙as∙sur∙ance (kwäl’ə tē ə shoor’əns) n. [ < L. quails, of what kind + securus, secure] an assuring or being assured of the degree of excellence of a thing

ques∙tions (kwes’chənz) n. 1. something asked 2. doubts; uncertainties 3. to dispute; challenge


re∙fer∙rals (ri fur’əlz) n. 1. a referring or being referred 2. a person who is referred to another person

re∙la’tion∙ships (ri lā’shən ships) n. 1. the connections between or among persons, nations, etc 2. connections, as in thought, meaning, etc.

re∙or∙ders (rē ôr’dərz) n. [ < L. ordo, straight row] 1. to request something to be supplied again 2. the items being supplied again

rep∙u∙ta∙tion (rep’yoo tā’shən) n. 1. estimation in which a person or thing is commonly held 2. favorable estimation 3. fame

re∙ten∙tion (ri ten’shən) n. 1. a retaining or being retained 2. capacity for retaining

(R.O.I.) re∙turn∙on∙in∙vest∙ment (ri turn on in vest’mənt)


seg∙ments (seg’mənts) n. any of the parts into which something is separated; section

slo∙gan (slō’gən) n. [ < Gael. Sluagh, a host + gairm, a call: orig., a battle cry] 1. a catchword or motto associated with a political party, etc. 2. a catchphrase used in advertising

so∙lu∙tion (sə lōō’ shən) n. [ < L. se-, apart + luere, let go] 1. the solving of a problem 2. an answer; explanation, etc. 3. the dispersion of one substance in another, usually a liquid, so as to form a homogeneous mixture 4. the mixture so produced

star∙mak’er∙mar∙ket∙ing (star māk’ər mär’kit iņ) n.

strat∙e∙gy (strat’ə jē) n. 1. the science of planning and directing military operations 2. skill in managing or planning, esp. by using stratagems 3. a stratagem, plan, etc.

sus∙pects (sə spekt’s) n. [ < L. sus-, under + pendere, hang] one suspected of a crime, etc.



tar∙get∙mar∙ket∙ing (tär’git mär’kit iņ) n. [ < MFr. targe, a shield]

test∙run (test run) (80-10-10)

threats (threts) n. [OE. threat, pressure] 1. an expression of intention to hurt, destroy, punish, etc. 2. an indication of, or a source of, imminent danger


u’ni∙form’i∙ty (yōō’ nə fôr’mə tē) n. [ < L. unus, one + -formis, -FORM] a quality in which others in the same class do not vary in form, rate, degree, etc.


val∙ue (val’yōō) n. [ < L. valere, be worth] 1. the worth of a thing in money or goods 2. estimated worth 3. purchasing power 4. that quality of a thing which makes it more or less desirable, useful, etc. 5. a thing or quality having intrinsic worth


war∙fare (wôr’fer’) n. 1. the action of waging war 2. conflict of any kind

warm∙lead (worm lēd)

weak’ness n. 1. a being weak 2. a weak point; fault 3. an unreasonable fondness (for something)




zip∙code∙tar∙get∙ing (zip kōd mär’kit iņ) n.

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